Fishus Lures : Ubuntu Big Cup - Fishus By Lurenzo

Fishus Ubuntu Big Cup

Take your popping game to the next level.
The new Ubuntu Big Cup is a steel core silent popper like its brother but designed for heavy duty tackle.
The bigger cup provides a better grip on the water surface, even on rough condititions. The wider shape even allows to wake the lure on steady retrieve to irritate chasers!
Armed with 5X treble hooks suitable for big tuna fishing.

Charte de couleurs

Fishus Ubuntu Big Cup -CP - Chrome Pilchard
CP - Chrome Pilchard
Fishus Ubuntu Big Cup -MA - Mackerel
MA - Mackerel
Fishus Ubuntu Big Cup -TY - Translucent Ayu
TY - Translucent Ayu
Fishus Ubuntu Big Cup -WP - White Pink
WP - White Pink

Tableau des tailles

Longueur PoidsTypeHameçonsCouleurs disponibles
15cm / 5.9" 93gr / 3.2oz Floating / Silent Triples #3/0 5x CP MA TY WP
Poisson CoqPoisson Coq
Giant TrevallyGiant Trevally