Fishus Lures : Espetit Trolling - Fishus By Lurenzo
Espetit Trolling

Fishus Espetit Trolling

A new hard lure designed for deep trolling fishing, down to 7 meters, searching for suspended predator fish.
Thanks to its intense wobbling and rolling action, it can be trolled on moderate speed (3.5 - 5 knot).
The inner rattling will draw the attention of fish even on dark waters.
Armed with #6 high quality treble hooks.



Fishus Espetit Trolling -BS - Hot Belly Sardine
BS - Hot Belly Sardine
Fishus Espetit Trolling -FT - Firetiger
FT - Firetiger
Fishus Espetit Trolling -HBB - Hot Belly Blue
HBB - Hot Belly Blue
Fishus Espetit Trolling -MA - Mackerel
MA - Mackerel
Fishus Espetit Trolling -RF - Rainbow Fluo
RF - Rainbow Fluo
Fishus Espetit Trolling -RH - Red Head
RH - Red Head
Fishus Espetit Trolling -WF - White N Flash
WF - White N Flash


Fishus Espetit Trolling -MU - Mullet
MU - Mullet

Größen tabelle

Länge / GewichtTiefeTypHakengrößeVerfügbare Farben
100 mm/ 25 gr 5-7 mt Schwimmend / Rattling Drillingshaken #6 BS FT HBB MA MU RF RH WF